Also known as
Throat tablets
Ldd Bioscience Throatkare Tablet
Throatkare Tablets provide protection and relief from throat ailments like sore throat, hoarseness, pharyngitis with tendency to catch cough and cold.
Uses of Ldd Bioscience Throatkare Tablet
• Hoarseness & loss of voice.
• Laryngitis & Pharyngitis.
• Tonsillitis.
• Tendency to catch cough & cold.
Action of Ingredeints in Ldd Bioscience Throatkare Tablet
Mercurius iod. ruber (Mercurius biniodatus) 6x: It is an excellent general remedy for tonsillitis, when there is inflammation and pain in the tonsils, worse right tonsil.
Belladonna 6x: Enlarged tonsils with redness. Burning, dryness and a sense of constriction in the throat.
Kali. mur. 6x: Tonsils inflamed; enlarged so much, can hardly breathe. Grayish patches or spots in the throat and tonsils. Adherent crusts in vault of pharynx. Hospital sore throat.
Baryta carb. 12x: Sore throat, with swelling of the palate and of the amygdalae.
Ferrum phos. 6x: Mouth hot; fauces red, inflamed. Ulcerated sore throat. Tonsils red and swollen. Eustachian tubes inflamed. Sore throat of singers. Subacute laryngitis with fauces inflamed and red
Senega 6x: Catarrhal inflammation of throat and fauces, with scraping hoarseness. Burning and rawness. Sensation as if membrane had been abraded.
Ammonium mur. 6x: Throbbing in, and swelling of tonsils, can scarcely swallow. Tonsillitis.
Dosage of Ldd Bioscience Throatkare Tablet
1 tablets, 4 times a day.
Terms and Conditions
Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.


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